Listed below are the fields for the database table for your property submission. Each line of text is a drop-down link containing input fields for the property, to open the drop-down click the words or the ‘plus’ sign.
YOU MUST BE LOGGED IN TO SUBMIT THE PROPERTY and VIEW IMMEDIATELY. If you are not logged in, the site administrator will have to approve your property. If this is your 1st time creating a login, the site administrator will have to approve your login.
After you click the SAVE button, you may not get a message that your listing has been submitted, however it will be received. If you do not immediately see your property listing, please wait 24-36 hours. The site administrator will review/approve/list all pending properties each morning.
Your property will not show up in the search fields if you only fill out the description field. Please call (847) 244-1595 if you have any questions about submitting.